News and Notices

Do I need antibiotics? Dr. Elizabeth Wood answers

Chair of the Clinical Governance Group, Dr. Elizabeth Wood answers the question of whether or not you need antibiotics for your winter illness: "Antibiotics do not work for viruses like flu and COVID-19 or for common side effects of winter illnesses like Sinusitis. Antibiotics are used for infections caused by bacteria, such as pneumonia."

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Global measles surge prompts calls for vaccinations - read Dan Hawke's measles story

The World Health Organisation and an UNICEF reported worldwide measles cases increased by 79% in the first two months of 2022, and conditions are ripe for serious outbreaks of vaccine-preventable illnesses.

Read Dan Hawke's measles story.

Read more about 'Global measles surge prompts calls for vaccinations - read Dan Hawke's measles story'...

New era begins for Iwi-Māori Partnership Board

A pōwhiri was held on Monday 4 July for Te Kāhui Hauora o Te Tauihu, the Iwi-Māori Partnership Board for the Nelson Marlborough District. 

The Board will consist of one iwi appointed representative from: Ngāti Koata, Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō, Ngāti Rārua, Ngāti Tama, Te Ātiawa, Rāngitane o Wairau, Ngāti Kuia and Ngāti Toa Rangatira and two independent appointed representatives to represent the Māori community and health profession.

The Board will play a vital role in working closely with Te Aka Whai Ora, the Māori Health Authority and Te Whatu Ora, Health NZ, in the design and delivery of local health services in Te Tauihu which includes the current boundaries of the Nelson Marlborough District. Locality commissioning from assessing the health needs of whānau, identifying priorities and monitoring the services provided are also core functions of the Board.

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"Food security is a health issue for New Zealanders" - Lauren Ensor, Heath Promotion Manager, Nelson Marlborough Public Health

Lauren Ensor (right), the Health Promotion Manager of Nelson Marlborough Public Health explains what defines food security, why it's a concern now more than ever, and what initiatives are available...

Read more about '"Food security is a health issue for New Zealanders" - Lauren Ensor, Heath Promotion Manager, Nelson Marlborough Public Health'...

Welcome to Te Whatu Ora, Health New Zealand, Nelson Marlborough

As part of the Government’s changes to health services, all District Health Boards are now part of one united entity.

It’s important to note that healthcare won’t change immediately – when people need care, they will still go to the same providers and the same hospital that they do now. 

As well as the interim District Director, Nelson Marlborough, Lexie O’Shea, we will have an interim Regional Director, Te Waipounamu, Peter Bramley, who will support the area. Under these arrangements, delegations for decision making are in many cases the same as for the former chief executives and Boards.

Read more about 'Welcome to Te Whatu Ora, Health New Zealand, Nelson Marlborough'...

Non-perishable 'Meal in Minutes' Kit Project

The Non-perishable 'Meal in Minutes' Kit Project was designed to provide whanau with affordable, balanced, and easy-to-make food options when money is tight, cooking facilities are limited or in preparation...

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Final Board meeting: Thank you and farewell

"As the Board closes this chapter, we want to thank everyone who works at Nelson Marlborough Health – you are amazing. Through good times and bad you have soldiered on; we appreciate it is not always straight forward. The one thing I have always been incredibly grateful for is that everyone in health comes to work every day to make a difference. It does not matter where in the system you work, you work in health to improve the health of people and communities. Thank you for your dedication, energy, and service." ​​​​​​​

Jenny Black, Chair
Nelson Marlborough District Health Board

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Nelson Marlborough District Health Board meeting 28 June 2022

Members of the public are welcome to attend the following Nelson Marlborough District Health Board meeting to be held Tuesday 28 June 2022 at 1pm at Seminar Centre, Braemar Campus,...

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Dr Stephen Bridgman: Winter wellness starts with a warm, dry home

As humidity and time spent indoors are major contributors to the spread of common winter illnesses, staying well this winter truly starts with a warm and dry home

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Dr Elizabeth Wood: Stay connected and informed while managing flu and cold at home

This winter will be challenging for our health and disability system and for all of us: there's likely to be a long tail of COVID-19 cases and with the border...

Read more about 'Dr Elizabeth Wood: Stay connected and informed while managing flu and cold at home'...

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