News and Notices

What matters most for your future care?

Today is the day to start a conversation with your family and whānau about what matters to you for your future healthcare.

Read more about 'What matters most for your future care?'...

Live Stronger For Longer: April Falls campaign

Falls represent pain, immobility and inconvenience for a large number of people.

Read more about 'Live Stronger For Longer: April Falls campaign'...

Voluntary job throws Karen into the red zone

As a self-confessed adrenaline junkie, joining an urban search and rescue (USAR) response team seemed a logical fit for Karen Cargill. 

Read more about 'Voluntary job throws Karen into the red zone '...

NMDHB and Committee Meetings

Members of the public are welcome to attend the Community and Public Health Advisory Committee / Disability Support Advisory Committee and NMDHB Board Meeting on Tuesday 27 March 2018.

Read more about 'NMDHB and Committee Meetings'...

Mumps in the region: Buller festival goers asked to check immunisation status

A case of mumps has been notified to the Nelson Marlborough Health Public Health Service. People who attended the Buller Festival in Murchison on 3-4 March may have been exposed to mumps and are advised to check their vaccination status, get immunised and to be alert to symptoms.

Read more about 'Mumps in the region: Buller festival goers asked to check immunisation status'...

Putting an end to 'PJ Paralysis'

Patients are getting out of their PJs, into their own clothes and up and about in an effort to minimise the risks associated with being bed-bound.

Read more about 'Putting an end to 'PJ Paralysis''...

Census counts for health funding

Nelson Marlborough Health Chief Executive Dr Peter Bramley urges all Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough residents to complete the Census survey as the results directly influence funding for health services in the region.

Read more about 'Census counts for health funding'...

Update: Gastroenteritis outbreak in Nelson

The outbreak of gastroenteritis that is occurring at Nelson Hospital is continuing and the Nelson Marlborough Public Health Service has renewed its advice about how to prevent the spread in the community.

Read more about 'Update: Gastroenteritis outbreak in Nelson'...

Rare Disease Day: 28 February

Rare Disease Day is on 28 February.

Read more about 'Rare Disease Day: 28 February'...

Whooping cough: School children at risk if not immunised

Dr Stephen Bridgman, Clinical Director Public Health with the Nelson Marlborough Public Health Service, urges parents to check their children’s immunisation status as they return to school and group activities.

“We are still managing a pertussis outbreak in the region, and while the number of notified cases has decreased from its peak of around 50 a week before Christmas to 10-20 cases a week currently, it is possible that cases might increase again with the start of the school year,” Dr Bridgman says.

Read more about 'Whooping cough: School children at risk if not immunised '...

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