News and Notices

Give your cervix some screen time: campaign live

The nationwide “Give your cervix some screen time” campaign seeks to help women (and anyone with a cervix) feel informed, empowered and motivated to protect their body and future health through regular cervical screening.

Read more about 'Give your cervix some screen time: campaign live'...

Disability Support Services: helping people to live the best possible life.

The December issue of Nelson Marlborough Health quarterly staff magazine,  Connections includes a special feature on some of the Disability Support Service (DSS) staff who support people with intellectual and physical disabilities in over 50 homes across the district.

Read more about 'Disability Support Services: helping people to live the best possible life.'...

Nelson Marlborough District Health Board meeting 25 February 2020

Members of the public are welcome to attend the following Nelson Marlborough District Health Board meeting to be held:

Read more about 'Nelson Marlborough District Health Board meeting 25 February 2020'...

Nelson Marlborough District Health Board meeting 28 January 2020

Members of the public are welcome to attend the following Nelson Marlborough District Health Board meeting to be held:

Read more about 'Nelson Marlborough District Health Board meeting 28 January 2020'...

New measles case confirmed in South Island

Nelson Marlborough Health, Canterbury and Southern DHB are alerting the general public that they may have been exposed to measles.

Read more about 'New measles case confirmed in South Island'...

A little bit of distraction goes a long way

A generous donation has helped reduce the stress to parents, and children, when kids need to have an echocardiogram.

Read more about 'A little bit of distraction goes a long way'...

Stressbusters: Supporting Colombian former refugees to manage anxiety and build resilience.

Since 2017 more than 200 Colombians have resettled in Nelson from exile in Ecuador.

To help former refugees to manage anxiety and build resilience the Stressbusters programme was developed.

Read more about 'Stressbusters: Supporting Colombian former refugees to manage anxiety and build resilience.'...

Children's artwork helps reduce fear of Emergency Department

It’s hoped artwork by children from Auckland Point School will help reduce the fear of a visit to the Emergency Department (ED) at Nelson Hospital.

ED artwork 1 small3

Read more about 'Children's artwork helps reduce fear of Emergency Department'...

Preventative planning in place for Bay Dreams 2020

On-site medical services will again be provided at the 2020 Bay Dreams music festival being held in Nelson on 4 January at Trafalgar Park.

Read more about 'Preventative planning in place for Bay Dreams 2020'...

Pēpi comes first for Naomi, smoke-free and loving it

A young woman’s strength to quit smoking for the sake of her unborn baby has been celebrated with a special gift and acknowledgment.

Naomi Te Kiri is counting days the days until her daughter is born, focussing on her mahi (work) and staying fit and positive. This has been made easier thanks to Naomi’s outstanding effort to quit smoking, with the guidance of her quit coach Sonia Hepi-Treanor.

Read more about 'Pēpi comes first for Naomi, smoke-free and loving it'...

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