News and Notices

Public lecture: The COVID-19 pandemic - lessons learned and planning for the next time

Please note: This event has been postponed due to COVID-19 Alert Level 2 event restrictions

Members of the public are invited to the inaugural lecture hosted by the University of Otago, Nelson Marlborough Health, and the Care Foundation.
It’s titled: The COVID-19 pandemic: lessons learned and planning for the next time.

The keynote speakers are:

  • Professor David Murdoch (University of Otago)
  • Dr Richard Everts, Nelson Marlborough Health infectious disease specialist
  • Dr Alex Browne, Nelson Marlborough Health intensive care and emergency physician

Please refer to the event website for speakers’ full credentials.

Please refer to the website also for further updates about the lecture, or register for emailed updates.

WHEN: Monday 1 March, 5.30pm for a 6pm start
COST: Free
WHERE: Suter Gallery, Nelson or via livestream from NMIT in Blenheim
REGISTER: Registrations are limited to 150 people in Nelson and 46 in Blenheim. Register online here.

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Alert Level 1: Visitor hours return to normal

The Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough regions are now in COVID-19 Alert Level 1. 

This means that access to health and disability services, including rules for visitors, have returned to normal. There are no restrictions for patients, clients or visitors other than the usual COVID-19 rules:

  • do not attend your appointment or visit someone if you have cold or flu symptoms. Phone the department to discuss your options
  • scan the QR codes at hospital and other facility entrances to keep a record of your movements
  • cover coughs and sneezes. Catch them in a disposable tissue or sneeze/cough into the crook of your elbow if you do not have a tissue 

Read more about 'Alert Level 1: Visitor hours return to normal'...

Information for patients and visitors during Alert Level 2

Health and disability services will be available as normal under Alert Level 2, with appropriate safety measures in place.

There will be no changes to planned care – appointments, clinics and surgical procedures will go ahead. People should attend their scheduled appointments at the hospital unless they have been contacted and told otherwise.

People who are unwell with cold or flu symptoms should stay home however and phone the department they are booked to visit to reschedule their appointment or to make special arrangements for urgent care. 

Under Alert Level 2, there are reduced visitor numbers and visitors will be screened at the main hospital entrances. 

This information is provided in greater detail on the COVID-19 website page:

Read more about 'Information for patients and visitors during Alert Level 2'...

Alert Level 2: What you need to know

The Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough region will move to Level 2 for three days from 11.59 pm tonight (Sunday) until midnight Wednesday 17 February. 

Anyone who has cold or flu symptoms should get a test and stay home until you have a negative test result. Testing is free from your GP or after-hours medical centre. 

It's important that you only request a test if you have cold or flu symptoms. Please keep the testing free for those who need it. Contact Healthline anytime for free advice about whether you need to get tested: 0800 358 5453.

Another important message: If you've been in South Auckland or New Plymouth since 6 February until now, please check the locations of interest. These are locations that the current three cases have visited while potentially contagious. 


Read more about 'Alert Level 2: What you need to know'...

COVID-19 vaccine update from the New Zealand Government

The Government has formally approved the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine as safe for use in New Zealand.

Read more about 'COVID-19 vaccine update from the New Zealand Government'...

Nelson Marlborough Health District Board Meeting 26 January 2021

Members of the public are welcome to attend the following Nelson Marlborough District Health Board meeting to be held Tuesday 26 January 2021 at 12.30pm, Seminar Centre Room 1, Braemar Campus Nelson Hospital.

Read more about 'Nelson Marlborough Health District Board Meeting 26 January 2021'...

Interim Chief Executive appointed

Jenny Black, Nelson Marlborough District Health Board Chair, has announced the appointment of Lexie O’Shea as interim Chief Executive (CE) for Nelson Marlborough Health (NMH).

Ms O’Shea is the current NMH General Manager Clinical Services and Ms Black’s announcement today follows her 23 December 2020 announcement of current NMH CE Peter Bramley’s resignation to take up the position as CE of Canterbury DHB in February. 

In a message to NMH staff this morning Ms Black said: “I am delighted to confirm Lexie’s appointment – as our current GM Clinical Services and former Deputy CEO/Chief Operating Officer at Southern DHB, Lexie has what it takes to maintain momentum this year. It is critical that we maintain the pace and quality of planning and action towards our big goals – the redevelopment of Nelson Hospital, the Ki Te Pae Ora programme – and continue to provide high-quality care.

“Lexie knows NMH well, knows the wider health system well and is part of a great Executive Leadership Team who will be with her every step of the way.”

Ms O’Shea’s start date is 2 February and Dr Bramley will be available to support her throughout February as required. Ms Black also clarified the nature of the ‘interim’ appointment.

“Lexie is not in an acting position; she will have the same delegations and responsibilities as Peter. My Nelson Marlborough District Health Board member colleagues and I decided it best to appoint an interim Chief Executive until the time that we, among all DHBs, have clarity from the Government about the next steps for the Health and Disability System Review.

“The review recommendations were released in June 2020, when Cabinet accepted the case for health system reform, and the general direction of the review report and recommendations. We are now waiting for decisions about individual recommendations from the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.”


Read more about 'Interim Chief Executive appointed'...

New appointment for Dr Peter Bramley

Nelson Marlborough District Health Board Chair Jenny Black has announced the resignation of Dr Peter Bramley from his role as Nelson Marlborough Health Chief Executive.

"Peter spent eight weeks at Canterbury DHB recently in an interim acting CE role. He has now been appointed Chief Executive of Canterbury and West Coast DHBs.

"The Board congratulate Peter on this appointment, and wish him every success with the challenges that lie ahead," Jenny says.

The Board will make decisions about future leadership of Nelson Marlborough Health in the New Year. Peter will start to transition into his new role in February 2021.

Read more about 'New appointment for Dr Peter Bramley'...

Our COVID-19 summer resurgence plan

The health system is prepared for a resurgence of COVID-19 during the summer. People and resources are on call. Our supply chains are stocked. 

A resurgence of community cases is a worst-case scenario but if a positive case is found in the community we will work fast to assess the situation and provide advice as quickly as possible to people. 

Read the full article to find out how you can play your part to make this summer unstoppable.

Read more about 'Our COVID-19 summer resurgence plan '...

Bay Dreams: Health services onsite and prepared

There will be on-site medical services again at the 2021 Bay Dreams music festival being held in Nelson on 5 January at Rutherford Park.

Read more about 'Bay Dreams: Health services onsite and prepared'...

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