News and Notices

Nelson Marlborough Community Health Lecture: "Osteoarthritis: What Can We Do?"

In collaboration with the University of Otago, Nelson Hub, and with generous support from The Care Foundation, Te Whatu Ora Nelson Marlborough recently held a community health lecture on Osteoarthritis...

Read more about 'Nelson Marlborough Community Health Lecture: "Osteoarthritis: What Can We Do?"'...

Planning is Underway: Project Whakatupuranga Nelson Hospital Redevelopment Update - 28 July 2023

Nelson Hospital is the largest of two secondary hospitals in the Nelson Marlborough region, providing healthcare services to a growing and aging population.Approval to redevelop the hospital and future-proof it...

Read more about 'Planning is Underway: Project Whakatupuranga Nelson Hospital Redevelopment Update - 28 July 2023'...

Technical error with our website forms between 22 June and 20 June 2023

If you submitted a referral or feedback via our online forms between 22 June 2023 and 30 June 2023, there has been an external technical error which means we did...

Read more about 'Technical error with our website forms between 22 June and 20 June 2023'...

Volunteer Week: a time to appreciate all our amazing volunteers

This volunteer week we are taking the opportunity to highlight a handful of our wonderful volunteers who contribute so much to our patients' wellbeing.

Read more about 'Volunteer Week: a time to appreciate all our amazing volunteers'...

Nelson nurses sent a bit the Top of the South to their nursing colleagues during Cyclone Gabrielle

When Cyclone Gabrielle devastated the North Island this past February, Nelson Charge Nurse Managers knew they wanted to do something for their CNM colleagues in Hawkes Bay and Gisborne to...

Read more about 'Nelson nurses sent a bit the Top of the South to their nursing colleagues during Cyclone Gabrielle'...

A conversation with Core Midwife Amy Darragh in celebration of International Day of the Midwife

We wanted to say a big thank you to all midwives for the incredible value you bring to our organisation, our communities, and our whānau.
We caught up with Amy Darragh, Core Midwife at Wairau Maternity and MERAS Marlborough regional representative to ask her some quickfire questions about herself and the role.

Read more about 'A conversation with Core Midwife Amy Darragh in celebration of International Day of the Midwife'...

Over half a kilometre of vinyl decals bring local flora and fauna to Nelson's Maternity and Paediatric Units

A project to provide a relaxing and diverting environment has been completed in Nelson's Paediatric and Maternity Wards - Wairau Hospital is next!

Read more about 'Over half a kilometre of vinyl decals bring local flora and fauna to Nelson's Maternity and Paediatric Units'...

Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Case Confirmed in Nelson Marlborough region - 14 April 2023

The Nelson Marlborough Public Health Service was notified today of a confirmed case of pertussis. This is believed is the first confirmed case of pertussis in Te Waipounamu (South Island)...

Read more about 'Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Case Confirmed in Nelson Marlborough region - 14 April 2023'...

RN Simione Tagicakibau shares the story of his two deployments: Samoa, 2019 and Hawkes Bay, 2023

Simi explains how his experiences deploying with the Pasifika Medical Association (PACMAT) help him connect with his community in his work today

Read more about 'RN Simione Tagicakibau shares the story of his two deployments: Samoa, 2019 and Hawkes Bay, 2023'...

The Nelson Hospital Charity Ball raised $3,000 for Giving Aroha

General Surgeon Ros Pochin recently delivered funds raised through the Nelson Hospital Charity Ball to Giving Aroha, an organisation which provides meals to those in need in Nelson.

Read more about 'The Nelson Hospital Charity Ball raised $3,000 for Giving Aroha'...

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