News and Notices

Life under the traffic light system

You do not need to show your My Vaccine Pass to receive healthcare or to enter Nelson Marlborough Health facilities.

Nelson Marlborough Health is now Orange under the COVID-19 Protection Framework (traffic lights). This feels very similar to Alert Level 2 in that we continue to keep each other safe by scanning or signing-in, wearing a face mask and following public health measures including physical distancing. 

In our hospitals, life at Orange means we protect each other by:

  • Reducing the risk of exposure by limiting visitors to the hospital
  • Understanding the risk by screening patients, support people and visitors at the front door and emergency department
  • Following public health measures including:
    • Scanning-in using the COVID-19 Tracer App
    • Wearing a mask (Staff, patients, support people and visitors)
    • Remaining physically distant and following hand-hygiene and cough etiquette

Please remember, limiting our interactions with others is our best defence against COVID-19. Please don’t visit the hospital if you don’t need to.

In the know

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Shellfish biotoxin alert: Grove Arm, Marlborough Sounds

The Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) has issued a shellfish biotoxin alert for Grove Arm, Marlborough Sounds.

Mussels, oysters, tuatua, pipi, toheroa, cockles, scallops, catseyes, kina (sea urchin) and all other bivalve shellfish should not be eaten.

Cooking shellfish does not remove the toxin, which can cause diarrhetic shellfish poisoning.

Refer to the MPI advisory for full information and a map of the affected area.

Read more about 'Shellfish biotoxin alert: Grove Arm, Marlborough Sounds'...

Nelson Marlborough District Health Board Meeting 23 November 2021

Members of the public are welcome to attend the following Nelson Marlborough District Health Board meeting to be held Tuesday 23 November 2021 at 10.00am, Seminar Centre Room 1, Braemar Campus, Nelson Hospital.

Read more about 'Nelson Marlborough District Health Board Meeting 23 November 2021'...

End of life choices: Learn more at our next lecture

From 7 November 2021 people who experience unbearable suffering from a terminal illness will be able to legally ask for medical assistance to end their lives. This is different to end of life palliative care.

Hear from experts in the field as they discuss their experiences of palliative care in New Zealand and assisted dying services in Victoria, Australia.

Date: Monday 8 November, 6pm 

Venue: Suter Theatre, 208 Bridge Street, Nelson

Alternatively, join us via Zoom. 

All details are on this webpage.

Read more about 'End of life choices: Learn more at our next lecture'...

COVID-19 case confirmed in Blenheim: Get tested, get vaccinated

Have you been at one of the same locations as the Blenheim or Christchurch COVID-19 cases?

Find out and follow the instructions. Or if you have even the slightest of cold symptoms and live in Marlborough, Nelson or Tasman, please get tested (even if you've been vaccinated).

The locations of interest have been confirmed and are listed here (enter 'Blenheim' or 'Christchurch' into the search box or use the map view). 

Read about symptoms to be alert to on the Ministry of Health website here.

If you need your first or second vaccination, please get this. Vaccination clinic locations across the region are listed on our webpage here. 

Read more about 'COVID-19 case confirmed in Blenheim: Get tested, get vaccinated'...

Nelson Marlborough Health District Health Board Meeting 26 October 2021

Members of the public are welcome to attend the following Nelson Marlborough District Health Board meeting to be held by Zoom at 12.30pm 26 October.

For a Zoom link, please email [email protected]

Read more about 'Nelson Marlborough Health District Health Board Meeting 26 October 2021'...

The 90% goal: We are getting there Nelson Marlborough!

Here is the latest COVID-19 vaccination data for our region. This shows how we are tracking towards the Government's goal for 90% of eligible New Zealanders to be fully vaccinated. 

Once this target has been reached, the Government will replace the current Alert Level system with a 'traffic light' system that does not rely on lockdowns as the main measure to stop the virus spreading. To find out more about the new system:

covid imms 90 graph


Read more about 'The 90% goal: We are getting there Nelson Marlborough!'...

Super Saturday: Don't wait, vaccinate!

It has never been more urgent to get New Zealand vaccinated

Summer is just 8 weeks away and we need everyone to book their first vaccine appointment now so they can get 2 doses and enjoy everything a classic Kiwi summer has to offer.

The more of us are fully vaccinated, the more protection we will have against COVID-19, and the more freedom this gives us. That is why we are asking you to support our national day of action on Saturday 16 October — Super Saturday.

If you have not been vaccinated yet, vaccine clinics will be open all over the country, all day and into the evening. We have pop-ups, drive-throughs and more. Super Saturday events and other ways to get vaccinated are listed here.

COVID 19 vaccines Super Saturday logo

Read more about 'Super Saturday: Don't wait, vaccinate!'...

It's our shot NZ: Now is the time!

At least 80% of people aged 12+ in our region have had their first COVID-19 vaccine, and 59% their second. Awesome!

progress chart whole3

If you are in the 20% (average across our region) still not vaccinated, we need you to get your first vaccine now so you can get two doses before summer. Here's how.

The more of us fully vaccinated, the more protection we will have against COVID-19, and the more freedom this gives us. This is our shot people!

Pop into a pop-up, cruise through a drive-through, walk into a clinic, book with your GP or pharmacy.

All types of clinic are listed on our main webpage here.

You'll also find details of our competition on that page. We have iPhones, iPads and data top-up cards up for grabs.


Read more about 'It's our shot NZ: Now is the time!'...

Hospital visitor limits during Alert Level 2

At Alert Level 2 our hospitals are open but things may look a little different as we work to keep each other safe:

  • it is a requirement for staff, patients and visitors to wear masks in NMH healthcare settings
  • physical distancing of 2 meters is in place
  • record keeping is mandatory at healthcare facilities. Staff, patients and visitors need to scan QR codes, sign-in or keep a record of their attendance
  • hospital attendees will be asked COVID-19 screening questions on entry.

To minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission visitor restrictions are in place. Click through to read these.

Read more about 'Hospital visitor limits during Alert Level 2'...

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